Saturday, March 16, 2013


This is a question everyone wants answered. I know some around me will need it, so this is purely for their benefit.

- l no longer hope, not one bit, not at all
- I no longer trust, divine or not
- I no long care for betterment
- I didn't convert but I abandoned my faith
- I stand for something and have concluded I won't sit
- There is no longer need, not of me or for me
- There is no redo, no reset button
- Not everything can be fixed and not everything should be fixed
- Having or extending joy is improbable
- Before I harm, its better I go
- The abuse has to stop and it starts with me
- Everybody hurts, everybody pays
- My departure eventually liberates all
- I am lethargic, too little, too late
- This is the only way I can get home

Let me go. It is not all sad, there is more, much more.
So please, let me go.

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