Friday, June 1, 2012


What have I really done to reap this? I am not a rotten person. I have not maimed or killed, I have always tried to be fair, be respectful, be humane. Therefore, I am confused, utterly lost, as to this orchestrated predicament that I suddenly find myself. My pain and suffering stems from a consequence of a situation, one which is almost calculated in such a way as to unravel any sane human being. Its a miracle, except its job is to architect your demise, in this case, mine.

Why was I chosen for this? What did I do or not do? Is there sense to be made or is it just a drive-by occurrence? Perhaps there is no meaning to it, and its just an exercise in futility to try to search for one. Or maybe the lesson to be learnt is that reasons don't have to exist.

A random collision of events, chaos theory, pure dumb luck, absolute entropy. Such is life.

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