Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I have a new target and its simple. I'll just need to stick around to see if it pans out. I'm leaving, that much is certain. Come hell or high water, the plan is set in motion.

By this time next year, I'll begin to prepare to return to my home. If I fail, I'll still leave, I'll find my way back regardless of the consequences. Legality is no longer important, I have nothing and no one to answer to. There is no higher price to pay when you already have all your chips on the table.

This is something I can agree to and sign off on. Either way, I'll be the one to decide my final destiny. Do or die trying.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


I might read a news article or see someone come to a quick end in a movie, and I think to myself - you lucky son of a bitch. I want what you got. I want to share that fate. When will it be my turn? Surely I deserve that too if I try hard enough. I still have a chance at that. I'll continue to be envious till the day I too can be rid of this stench called life.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Still waiting.

Close my eyes, dream of it, think of it, waiting still...