Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Waiting to hurry up

I'm waiting for the break to arrive. I know its coming, it must be coming. I've become far too weary of the perpetual drag along this current path. When my break comes, I'm taking the plunge. That'll be the right time to checkout.

Monday, February 18, 2013


We have an excuse for everything. I've realized that's exactly what I'm doing. In reality, if I wanted to, needed to, planned to, I could make it happen with a myriad of other items at my disposal. A brick can act as a hammer, a knife can act as, well, a knife.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Moving on

I still need to learn to let go. There's fear, apprehension, still building up and lurking, surfacing whenever I try to take a step. I know I can't escape forever. In time, I need to get comfortable with it, be familiar with it. My mortality will be my friend one day. It only takes one time, one leap.